Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend in the Garage

Friday evening it started to rain and it rained all the way through Sunday. Temperatures dropped and the garage became quite comfortable, mid to low 80's F. I spent Saturday in the garage playing with the RD.

Work completed this weekend......
  • Dialed in timing with the dial indicator (3mm BTDC)
  • Completed fabrication of aluminum under-seat subframe
  • Mounted ignition switch
  • Mounted digital instrument console
  • Fabricated kill-switch mount
  • Fabricated battery box mounts
  • Experimented with wiring harness mounts (still undecided)
  • Mounted and wired cylinder head temp sender
  • Mounted and adjusted new throttle cable assembly
  • Ordered dzus fasteners for tail section bodywork
  • Watched Italian F1 GP (OK, not RD-related, but mandatory!)

Now off to the movies with the wife.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

MZ Ignition

Nothing makes an RD scream like a little throw-back technology from behind the old iron-curtain. The MZ ignition is the hot mod when it comes lighting up the pre-mix....

Break out the dial indicator and dial in the speed...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back On Task

Summers in Texas are HOT, too HOT to work in my garage! I feel like a complete slacker, but I have not had a chance to work on the RD for the past three months. I went to Forida for a long break, got bogged down at work and tried to spend as much time as possible with my daughter before she departed for UT.

Now that the weather is starting to cool off (below 100F), my daughter is off to college, and work is returning to normality..... Work is once again progressing on the RD. My target date for completion is October 2009, maybe!