Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuning,Tweeking & Confusion

I am still perplexed by the lack of performance from the RD!

I have experimented with several different carb setting on the Keihin carbs, but the overall performance of the motor is nowhere near what I know it should be. I have swapped jets, main jet & idle jet, testing a wide variety of options. I have also tested several carb needle combinations. My jetting is correct and power delivery is smoother with less of a "flat spot", but power just isn't what I want it to be.
The engine starts and runs fine, but the bike does not come smoothly "on to the pipe". When the RD does hits it's powerband it's VERY noticeable, but not nearly as powerful as I remember it being "back in the day". Maybe I have become jaded by the powerband of my Gixxer, but I remember the RD as having WAY MORE power than this (but it's been 30+ years)!

Time for a change in plans......

First.... I tried swapping the Keihin PWK33's for the freshly rebuilt Mikuni VM28's.... No dice! The Mikuni's are just too clapped out, so I trash this plan.

Second.... If changing the jetting is not working, maybe I have an air leak? I am in the process of building a "home-brew" leak-down tester and should have it ready for a test in the next two days. 6 psi for 10 minutes is the benchmark.

Third.... Return to a "baseline" jetting on the Kiehin PWK's ; CEL needles on clip #3, Main Jet of  170, Slow Jet of 48. Most of my sluggish throttle response is from 1/4 to 3/4 throttle, so the needle should be my focus. I know the Main Jet is rich, but I like to start rich and work my way leaner. I'll be burning VP C12 fuel mixed with Amsoil Dominator 50:1.

Stay tuned for test results.......

Do I have an air leak?
Burned or holed piston?
Too much carb to even expect a mid-range?

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